There are some Anviz biometrics devices that are capable of WIFI connection. The Anviz C2pro and the latest models of the Anviz biometrics are capable of WIFI connection. Such devices are able to connect to the crossschex via two ways. Either via Lan ...
There are several ways to import and export users to the anviz device and crosschex standards one of which is by means of a USB flash drive. In this guide, you will learn how to do so. 1. You will need a USB Flashdrive and the Anviz Biometrics ...
There are thirty one different functions that you can use in the turnstile, one of which is the Free pass function. What is Free pass? Free pass is a function of the turnstile in which by the name itself, it gives free access to the turnstile where ...
You want to auto export records from the device to your PC? (Note: the format of the exported record is .txt and it can't be changed) (Note: the crosschex standards must be always opened to use this feature) 1. Open the Cross chex standards. ( ...