CardExchange - How to connect database
Step 1: Click Cards and select the card you wish to connect the database to. In this guide, we will use a sample template.
Click Card designer to open the selected card template.
Step 2: Go to
tab and click New to open the database connection wizard.
Initially, the Databases view will be blank since we have not added our spreadsheet yet. Click on Add then fill out each field.
*Note: The number of database types will vary depending on your CardExchange ID Software License. It is also possible to add login information to add a layer of security to the database. However, for this guide, we will use a database type of .xslx format and proceed without adding login information.
Step 3: Click on
then browse local directory to locate our database.
Click Open to select the file then Click Next on the Database Connection Wizard to proceed.
Step 4: Select Sheet1$ from the View name dropdown list. It is also important to set the Primary key from the database. A primary key is basically the unique identifier in our database and usually, it is the ID number.
Click Next to proceed.
Step 5: Check all record look-up fields that apply.
Click Next to Proceed.
*Note: The database settings can be further edited but for demonstration purposes only, we will proceed with the following steps and click Finish and save our database connection.
To check if the database is successfully connected, we can exit Card Designer and check the Records in the main window. A successfully connected database should like this:
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