How to add controller to Access Control System

How to add controller to Access Control System

           1. Setting IP address of PC to static
  1. Open Control panel
  2. Go to Network and Sharing Center
  3. Click Change adapter settings
  4. Right Click Ethernet and click on properties
  5. Check Internet protocol version 4(TCP/IPV4) then click properties
  6. Change to use the following IP address
  7. Then write your desired IP address, Subnet Mask and Default gateway ex.


  1. Click Ok
    2.  Connect the Controller to the PC via Ethernet Cable
  1. Open the Access control Software
  2. Default Username: abc
  3. Default Password: 123
    3.  Click “Add controllers by Searching” on the top left of the Access control

  1. This should popout
              (note: If the image above does not show then check the ethernet cable connection if it is faulty)
  1. Remember the indicated IP address you will need that later.
          4Click “Add Found to Database”
          5. Click on Configuration at the left side of the Access control
  1. Then click on controllers
          6. select the controller you added then click on edit
  1.  This should popout
          7. Click on Medium, large Network, Internet
          8. Type the IP address you previously took note then click next
          9. After Setting up the door parameters Click ok
          10. End


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